how to get input file name as column within hive query

Every table in Hive has two virtual columns. They are


INPUT__FILE__NAME gives the name of the file. BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE is the current global file position. Suppose if we want to find the name of the file corresponding to each record in a file. We can use the INPUT__FILE__NAME column. This feature is available from Hive versions above 0.8. A small example is given below.


select INPUT__FILE__NAME, name from customer_data;

This will give us the file name corresponding to each record. If you want to get the file names corresponding to a hive table, the below query will help you.

select distinct(INPUT__FILE__NAME) from customer_data;

Yes, you can retrieve the file the record was found in using the virtual column named INPUT__FILE__NAME, for example:

select INPUT__FILE__NAME, id, name from users where ...;

yields something like:

hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/warehouse/users/users1.txt    2    user2
hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/warehouse/users/users2.txt    42    john.doe

If necessary, use the provided string functions to trim the host and directories from the uri.

You can find the documentation on virtual columns here:


