How to get PropertyDescriptor for current property?

You could try this:

        public string Test
                //Get properties for this
                System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetProperties( this );

                //Get property descriptor for current property
                System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor pd = pdc[ System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name ];

I found that the following worked:

        //  get property descriptions
        PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties ( this );

        //  get specific descriptor
        PropertyDescriptor property = properties.Find ( PropertyName, false );

where PropertyName is a value passed into a method.

Here's a re-usable conversion function for those who got to this post looking for a general function:

public static PropertyDescriptor GetPropertyDescriptor(PropertyInfo PropertyInfo)
    return TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(PropertyInfo.DeclaringType).Item(PropertyInfo.Name);

and here's an extension method:

public static PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor(this PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
  return TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(propertyInfo.DeclaringType)[propertyInfo.Name];