How to get short definition of all built in Mathematica Functions?
Perhaps the simplest way is to use the built in function Information
, which is the programmatic form of ??
Information[#, LongForm -> False] & /@ functionslist
gives a long list of (short) function definitions. By the way... it's easy to figure this kind of thing out -- in this case, I highlighted the symbol ?? (double question mark) and pressed the F1 key to bring up the help. That brought me to the function Information
. I had first tried help on the single question mark (which brought me to the function Definition
) which didn't seem quite right.
Here is the very start of the output...
You can also use the usage messages:
usageInfo = With[{func = Symbol[#]}, func::usage] &;
cF = Column[Style[#, 16, "Usage", Background -> None] & /@ #,
Dividers -> All, Background -> {{LightBlue, LightOrange}}] &;
usageInfo /@ functionslist[[;;8]] // cF
Alternatively, make the usage message content a Hyperlink
to the docs page:
usageInfo2 = With[{func = Symbol[#]},
Hyperlink[Style[func::usage, 14, "Panel", Background -> None],
"paclet:ref/" <> ToString[func], ActiveStyle -> None]] &;
usageInfo2 /@ functionslist[[;; 8]] //
Column[#, Dividers -> All, Background -> {{LightBlue, LightOrange}}] &