InverseFourierTransform of simple function takes forever

This is not an answer to why InverseFourierTransform is so slow in this case, but it may provide some useful insights.

The argument 1/(w^2 - I w*b + c) is equal to

I/(Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c] (w - I (b - Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c])/2)) 
  - I/(Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c] (w - I (b + Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c])/2))

as can be seen by applying Simplify. Yet, I had to determine this latter expression by hand, because Apart did not transform the first expression into the second, even when I provided it with the denominator factored! On the other hand, it performed

Apart[1/(w^2 - I w*3 + 4)]
(* (I/5)/(I + w) - (I/5)/(-4*I + w) *)

without difficulty. So, if InverseFourierTransform uses Apart, and it might well, then it is understandable that it cannot handle the symbolic expression while it can handle the numerical one. In any case, with the argument transformed as above,

  I/(Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c] (w - I (b - Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c])/2)) - 
  I/(Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c] (w - I (b + Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c])/2)), w, t, 
  FourierParameters -> {1, -1}, Assumptions -> {b > 0, c > 0}]
(* (E^(Sqrt[b^2 + 4*c]*t)*HeavisideTheta[-t] + 
    HeavisideTheta[t])/(Sqrt[b^2 + 4*c]*E^(((b + Sqrt[b^2 + 4*c])*t)/2)) *)

produces an answer without difficulty.


Suppose we choose a slightly simpler argument, 1/(b^2 - (c + I w)^2), which Apart can handle.

Apart[1/(b^2 - (c + I w)^2)]
(* (-I/2)/(b*((-I)*b - I*c + w)) + (I/2)/(b*(I*b - I*c + w)) *)

Then InverseFourierTransform also works.

InverseFourierTransform[1/(b^2 - (c + I w)^2), w, t, 
 FourierParameters -> {1, -1}, Assumptions -> {b > 0, c > 0}]
(* (2*HeavisideTheta[t] + E^(2*b*t)*(2*HeavisideTheta[-(t*Sign[b - c])]*Sign[b - c] 
  + Sign[t]*(-1 + Sign[Abs[b - c]])))/(4*b*E^((b + c)*t)) *)

strengthening the supposition of a connection between Apart and InverseFourierTransform.

I found another work-around. Use Integrate to calculate the inverse Fourier transform directly, with the exclusion of t == 0:

int = Integrate[Exp[I w t]/(w^2 - I w b + c), {w, -∞, ∞}, 
                Assumptions -> {b > 0, c > 0, #}]/(2 π) &;

(lhalf = int[t < 0]) // AbsoluteTiming
(rhalf = int[t > 0]) // AbsoluteTiming
{5.091000, E^(1/2 (-b + Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]) t)/Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]}
{5.958000, E^(-(1/2) (b + Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]) t)/Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]}


 FourierTransform[Piecewise[{{lhalf, t < 0}, {rhalf, t >= 0}}], t, w, 
                  FourierParameters -> {1, -1}]
1/(c + w (-I b + w))

Well, actually Integrate isn't necessary, InverseFourierTransform can also be used, but much slower:

ift = InverseFourierTransform[1/(w^2 - I w b + c), w, t, 
                          FourierParameters -> {1, -1}, Assumptions -> {b > 0, c > 0, #}] &;

ift[t < 0] // AbsoluteTiming
ift[t > 0] // AbsoluteTiming
{153.917000, E^(1/2 (-b + Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]) t)/Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]}
{295.518000, E^(-(1/2) (b + Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]) t)/Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]}

BTW, during the exploration, I noticed another bug of Integrate, at least in v9:

(* Can anyone help to test this in v10 ? *)
int[t != 0] // AbsoluteTiming
 ConditionalExpression[E^(1/2 (-b + Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c]) t)/Sqrt[b^2 + 4 c], 
                       Re[t] < 0 && Im[t] == 0]}