How to get upright parentheses in the whole document?

As egreg warned, the following will probably break many things. But it works in simple situations. [code edited following egreg's advice]

[update: at the bottom of this answer I edit the answer to be compatible with \label and \ref]








I want parenthesis (around this text) to be upright. Of course, parentheses in
math mode are already upright: $\Bigg((E = mc^2)\Bigg)$, and we don't want to
fiddle with them.
\[ \Bigg((E = mc^2)\Bigg) \]
I want parenthesis (around this text) to be upright. 
\emph{I want parenthesis (around this text) to be upright. }

upright parenthesis in text mode, math mode unchanged

with egreg's suggestion the spacing appears to be better:

enter image description here

Code for (hopefully...) compatibility with \label and \ref (with or without hyperref used in the document):


\def\makeparenletter{\catcode`\(=11 \catcode`\)=11 }
\def\makeparenother{\catcode`\(=12 \catcode`\)=12 }



\AtBeginDocument{% this is at begin document as it must be done
                 % after hyperref does its things




I want parenthesis (around this text) to be upright. Of course, parentheses in
math mode are already upright: $\Bigg((E = mc^2)\Bigg)$, and we don't want to
fiddle with them.
\[ \Bigg((E = mc^2)\Bigg) \]
I want parenthesis (around this text) to be upright. 
\emph{I want parenthesis (around this text) to be upright. \textbf{I want parenthesis (around this text) to be upright. }}

Theorem \ref{(thm:1)}

with label and ref added

You can also use the pre_linebreak_filter of LuaTeX. This also allows you to insert a little kerning around the parentheses. The solution below only works for \normalsize but can easily be generalized, also to different fonts.



local open = 1
local close = 2

local match = {
    [utf.byte("(")] = open,
    [utf.byte(")")] = close,
    [utf.byte("[")] = open,
    [utf.byte("]")] = close,

fontmap = {}

local upright_parens = function(head)
    for glyph in node.traverse_id("glyph"), head) do
        if match[glyph.char] then
            local replaced = false
            if glyph.font == then
                glyph.font =
                replaced = true
            elseif glyph.font == fontmap.bfit then
                glyph.font =
                replaced = true
            if replaced and match[glyph.char] == open then
                local kern ="kern")
                kern.kern = -.2 * glyph.width
                node.insert_after(head, glyph, node.copy(kern))
            if replaced and match[glyph.char] == close then
                local kern ="kern")
                kern.kern = .2 * glyph.width
                node.insert_before(head, glyph, node.copy(kern))
    return head

luatexbase.add_to_callback("pre_linebreak_filter", upright_parens, "upright parens")

  \textup{\directlua{ = font.current()}}
  \textit{\directlua{ = font.current()}}
  \textbf{\directlua{ = font.current()}}
  \textit{\textbf{\directlua{fontmap.bfit = font.current()}}}


  I want parenthesis (around this text) to be upright. Of course,
  parentheses in math mode are already upright:
  $\Bigg((E = mc^2)\Bigg)$, and we don't want to fiddle with them.
\[ \Bigg((E = mc^2)\Bigg) \] I want parenthesis (around this text) to
be upright.  \emph{I want parenthesis (around this text) to be
  upright. \textbf{I want parenthesis (around this text) to be
    upright. }}

Theorem \ref{(thm:1)}

enter image description here