How to implement a \tomorrow in latex

Just a quick cook-up




\today~ is the day before tomorrow.\par
\tomorrow~ is the day after today.


enter image description here

Adding weekday names etc. is also possible. You can check the manual. This is, as far as I can paranoi(?!), independent from the class but the month names are fixed. If you like you can introduce them too but ISO dates rulaz just because of this.

Here is a prototype in LaTeX3; the data about tomorrow is available in the integer variables


The code follows; the final macro is just an example of how the data can be used, possibly in connection with datetime.

\prop_new:N \g_tomorrow_months_prop
\bool_new:N \l_tomorrow_leap_bool
\int_new:N \l_tomorrow_day_int
\int_new:N \l_tomorrow_month_int
\int_new:N \l_tomorrow_year_int
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  1 } { 31 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  2 } { \bool_if:NTF \l_tomorrow_leap_bool { 29 } { 28 } }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  3 } { 31 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  4 } { 30 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  5 } { 31 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  6 } { 30 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  7 } { 31 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  8 } { 31 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop {  9 } { 30 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop { 10 } { 31 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop { 11 } { 30 }
\prop_gput:Nnn \g_tomorrow_months_prop { 12 } { 31 }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \tomorrow_check_leap:n #1
  \int_compare:nTF { 0 = \int_mod:nn { #1 } { 4 } }
   {% possibly a leap year
    \int_compare:nTF { 0 = \int_mod:nn { #1 } { 100 } }
     {% possibly not a leap year
      \int_compare:nTF { 0 = \int_mod:nn { #1/100 } { 4 } }
       {% leap year
        \bool_set_true:N \l_tomorrow_leap_bool
       {% not leap year
        \bool_set_false:N \l_tomorrow_leap_bool
     {% leap year
      \bool_set_true:N \l_tomorrow_leap_bool
   {% not leap year
    \bool_set_false:N \l_tomorrow_leap_bool

\cs_new_protected:Npn \tomorrow_set_tomorrow:nnn #1 #2 #3
  \int_compare:nT { #2 = 2 } { \tomorrow_check_leap:n { #3 } }
  \int_set:Nn \l_tomorrow_day_int { #1 }
  \int_set:Nn \l_tomorrow_month_int { #2 }
  \int_set:Nn \l_tomorrow_year_int { #3 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tomorrow_incr_day:
  \int_incr:N \l_tomorrow_day_int
   { \l_tomorrow_day_int > \prop_get:NV \g_tomorrow_months_prop \l_tomorrow_month_int }
    \int_set:Nn \l_tomorrow_day_int { 1 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tomorrow_incr_month:
  \int_incr:N \l_tomorrow_month_int
  \int_compare:nT { \l_tomorrow_month_int > 12 }
    \int_set:Nn \l_tomorrow_month_int { 1 }
    \int_incr:N \l_tomorrow_year_int
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \prop_get:Nn { NV }

  \tomorrow_set_tomorrow:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }
  \int_to_arabic:n { #3 }/
  \int_to_arabic:n { #2 }/
  \int_to_arabic:n { #1 },~
  \int_to_arabic:n { \l_tomorrow_year_int }/
  \int_to_arabic:n { \l_tomorrow_month_int }/
  \int_to_arabic:n { \l_tomorrow_day_int }




As you see, leap years are correctly recognized. Only Gregorian calendar, of course.

In order to define a suitable \tomorrow command, you can add (before \ExplSyntaxOn) a babel version

  \tomorrow_set_tomorrow:nnn { \day } { \month } { \year }
  \day = \l_tomorrow_day_int
  \month = \l_tomorrow_month_int
  \year = \l_tomorrow_year_int

or a datetime version (requires package datetime, of course)

  \tomorrow_set_tomorrow:nnn { \day } { \month } { \year }
  \formatdate { \l_tomorrow_day_int }
              { \l_tomorrow_month_int }
              { \l_tomorrow_year_int }

enter image description here

This is, of course, overkill if one wants only tomorrow's date. The macros actually allow to compute any date from a given one, given the interval (positive or negative). One might make expandable also the "reverse" from a Julian date to the form "Day/Month/Year", but it would be very slow.

\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\juliandate}{ m m m }
  \juliandate_calc:nnnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 } { \use:n }
\NewDocumentCommand{\storejuliandate}{ s m m m m }
    \juliandate_calc:nnnn { #3 } { #4 } { #5 } { \cs_set:Npx #2 }
    \juliandate_calc:nnnn { #3 } { #4 } { #5 } { \cs_new:Npx #2 }
\cs_new:Npn \juliandate_calc:nnnn #1 #2 #3 #4 % #1 = day, #2 = month, #3 = year, #4 = what to do
      #1 +
      \int_div_truncate:nn { 153 * (#2 + 12 * \int_div_truncate:nn { 14 - #2 } { 12 } - 3) + 2 } { 5 } +
      365 * (#3 + 4800 - \int_div_truncate:nn { 14 - #2 } { 12 } ) +
      \int_div_truncate:nn { #3 + 4800 - \int_div_truncate:nn { 14 - #2 } { 12 } } { 4 } -
      \int_div_truncate:nn { #3 + 4800 - \int_div_truncate:nn { 14 - #2 } { 12 } } { 100 } + 
      \int_div_truncate:nn { #3 + 4800 - \int_div_truncate:nn { 14 - #2 } { 12 } } { 400 } -

\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_g_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_dg_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_c_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_dc_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_b_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_db_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_a_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_da_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_y_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_m_tl
\tl_new:N \l__juliandate_d_tl
\int_new:N \l_juliandate_day_int
\int_new:N \l_juliandate_month_int
\int_new:N \l_juliandate_year_int

\cs_new:Npn \__juliandate_set:nn #1 #2
  \tl_set:cx { l__juliandate_#1_tl } { \int_eval:n { #2 } }
\cs_new:Npn \__juliandate_use:n #1
  \tl_use:c { l__juliandate_#1_tl }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \juliandate_reverse:n #1
  \__juliandate_set:nn { g }
   { \int_div_truncate:nn { #1 + 32044 } { 146097 } }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { dg }
   { \int_mod:nn { #1 + 32044 } { 146097 } }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { c }
   { \int_div_truncate:nn { ( \int_div_truncate:nn { \__juliandate_use:n { dg } } { 36524 } + 1) * 3 } { 4 } }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { dc }
   { \__juliandate_use:n { dg } - \__juliandate_use:n { c } * 36524 }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { b }
   { \int_div_truncate:nn { \__juliandate_use:n { dc } } { 1461 } }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { db }
   { \int_mod:nn { \__juliandate_use:n { dc } } { 1461 } }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { a }
   { \int_div_truncate:nn { ( \int_div_truncate:nn { \__juliandate_use:n { db } } { 365 } + 1) * 3 } { 4 } }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { da }
   { \__juliandate_use:n { db } - \__juliandate_use:n { a } * 365 }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { y }
     \__juliandate_use:n { g } * 400 + 
     \__juliandate_use:n { c } * 100 + 
     \__juliandate_use:n { b } * 4 + 
     \__juliandate_use:n { a }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { m }
   { \int_div_truncate:nn { \__juliandate_use:n { da } * 5 + 308 } { 153 } - 2 }
  \__juliandate_set:nn { d }
   { \__juliandate_use:n { da } - \int_div_truncate:nn { (\__juliandate_use:n { m } + 4) * 153 } { 5 } + 122 }
  \int_set:Nn \l_juliandate_year_int
   { \__juliandate_use:n { y } - 4800 + \int_div_truncate:nn { \__juliandate_use:n { m } + 2 } { 12 } }
  \int_set:Nn \l_juliandate_month_int
   { \int_mod:nn { \__juliandate_use:n { m } + 2 } { 12 } + 1 }
  \int_set:Nn \l_juliandate_day_int
   { \__juliandate_use:n { d } + 1 }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \juliandate_reverse:n { x }

\NewDocumentCommand{\showday}{ m }
  \juliandate_reverse:n { #1 }
  \int_to_arabic:n { \l_juliandate_day_int }-
  \int_to_arabic:n { \l_juliandate_month_int }-
  \int_to_arabic:n { \l_juliandate_year_int }

\NewDocumentCommand{\tomorrow}{ }
  \juliandate_reverse:x { \juliandate_calc:nnnn { \day + 1 } { \month } { \year } { \use:n } }
  \day = \l_juliandate_day_int
  \month = \l_juliandate_month_int
  \year = \l_juliandate_year_int
\NewDocumentCommand{\tomorrowof}{ m m m }
  \juliandate_reverse:x { \juliandate_calc:nnnn { #1 + 1 } { #2 } { #3 } { \use:n } }
  \day = \l_juliandate_day_int
  \month = \l_juliandate_month_int
  \year = \l_juliandate_year_int












This question has been answered a while ago, but I didn't see a plain TeX solution here yet. Hopefully it will be useful to somebody.

\advance\advancedday by #1%
\ifnum\ttempyear>4 %
  \advance\ttempyear by-4 %
\ifnum\month=2 %
  \ifnum\ttempyear=4 %
    \daysinthismonth=29 %
    \daysinthismonth=28 %
    \ifnum\month<8 %
      \daysinthismonth=30 %
      \daysinthismonth=31 %
    \ifnum\number\month>7 %
      \daysinthismonth=31 %
      \daysinthismonth=30 %
  \ifnum\month=12 %
    \advance \tempyear by 1 %
    \advance \ttempyear by 1 %
    \advance \advancedday by -\daysinthismonth%
    \advance \month by -11 %
    \advance \advancedday by -\daysinthismonth%
    \advance \month by 1 %


