How to import HAR file to excel

Here is a small application that can be used to convert .HAR file to csv. Further you can import csv to excel.

Google now has an npm package that handles this nicely.

I also needed to turn the .har file into .csv so that I could sum up some values.

When looking for a solution that would work under MacOs (so possibly by not installing a dedicated app), I found this Akamai blog post solution that just implied to install jq. I didn't get the expected output, so I adapted the proposed script this way:

cat my_chrome_export.har | jq '[ "URL", "Time", "Wait time", "Status", "Body size","Content-Type", "Content-Encoding"],
    (.log.entries[] | [
]) | @csv' | sed 's/\\"//g' | sed 's/"//g' > result.csv

The output is a CSV file with the following columns: URL, Time, Wait time, Status, Body size, Content-Type, Content-Encoding.

You can download the HAR file from Google or Firefox browser and use this online tool to convert the HAR file to CSV.

Link to online tool:

Just select the exported HAR file and let the tool parse it. Then select the column you want to export and export the current rows to CSV.

You can also filter out the rows which are not relevant.