How to include a Lenny face in a LaTeX document? e.g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Staightforward with a stack.

\savestack\nose{\raisebox{3pt}{\scalebox{1}[-1]{\clipbox{0pt 1pt 0pt 0pt}{?}}}}
\scaleleftright{(}{\stackanchor[2pt]{\eye \nose \eye}{\mouth}}{)}

enter image description here

From there to a macro follows directly:

\savestack\nose{\raisebox{3pt}{\scalebox{1}[-1]{\clipbox{0pt 1pt 0pt 0pt}{?}}}}
\newcommand\Lenny{\scaleleftright{(}{\stackanchor[2pt]{\eye \nose \eye}{\mouth}}{)}}
This is my Lenny face: \Lenny

enter image description here

And here is a variant that won't distort line spacing:

\savestack\nose{\raisebox{3pt}{\scalebox{1}[-1]{\clipbox{0pt 1pt 0pt 0pt}{?}}}}
\newcommand\Lenny{(\scalerel{\stackanchor[2pt]{\eye \nose \eye}{\mouth}}{)}}
\lipsum[2] \Lenny{} \lipsum[3]

enter image description here

Finally, a more proportioned variation, that can present Lenny from different font families (by way of optional argument):

  \savestack\nose{\raisebox{4pt}{\scalebox{1}[-1.3]{\clipbox{0pt 1.5pt 0pt 0pt}{?}}}}%
{\tiny rmfamily sffamily mirrored-ttfamily}\par

enter image description here

If you use a Unicode aware TeX dialect like XeLaTeX it is just to paste the text and make sure the chosen font contains the characters.

\setmainfont{DejaVu Sans}

  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

With some help from Detexify, I got this first approximation:


    $\overset\frown{\smash(^\circ} \underset\smile{\ \text\textinvglotstop} \overset\frown{\ ^\circ} )$

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


