How to Increase Import Size Limit in phpMyAdmin
I had the same problem with my working correctly by doing the following
changes into the php.ini file
post_max_size = 800M
upload_max_filesize = 800M
max_execution_time = 5000
max_input_time = 5000
memory_limit = 1000M
now restart for the changes to take effect
If you are using WHM/Cpanel then in order to change that "Max: 50MiB" limit in the import section of phpmyadmin, you will have to change two values in WHM (Web Host Manager).
Step 1) Go to Tweak settings, find the "cPanel PHP Max upload size" change it according to your needs. Save changes.
Step 2) Go to Tweak settings, find the "cPanel PHP Max POST size" change it according to your needs. Save changes.
Go back to your phpMyadmin. The value should have changed.
Could you also increase post_max_size
and see if it helps?
Uploading a file through an HTML form makes the upload treated like any other form element content, that's why increasing post_max_size
should be required too.
Update : the final solution involved the command-line:
To export only 1 table you would do
mysqldump -u user_name -p your_password your_database_name your_table_name > dump_file.sql
and to import :
mysql -u your_user -p your_database < dump_file.sql
'drop table your_tabe_name;' can also be added at the top of the import script if it's not already there, to ensure the table gets deleted before the script creates and fill it