how to install squid 3.3 on windows
This works for me on windows 7. First I install cygwin, then I install squid. Copy cygwin setup.exe to local windows folder, them from CMD.exe prompt:
setup -R c:\dev\cygwin\root -q -C Base -n -d -O -s %CYG_SITE%
setup -q -P subversion
The rest of the instructions are done from the cygwin bash shell (c:\dev\cygwin\root\cygwin.bat in my case). Install apt-cyg:
install apt-cyg /bin
apt-cyg install squid # Install squid
/usr/sbin/squid -z # Initialise squid
/usr/sbin/squid # Start squid
Now open IE to ensure squid is running - point it to http://localhost:3128 - you should see the following error:
Now you need to configure squid. The configuration files are found in cygwin in the folder /etc/squid.
First you need to install and run Squid as described in previous answer.
Then create Windows service for Squid using this command:
c:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe -I "squid" -d "CYGWIN Squid" -p /usr/sbin/squid -a "-N" -u .\cyg_server -y tcpip --type auto