How-To Integrate IIS 7 Web Deploy with MSBuild (TeamCity)

Troy Hunt has an excellent 5-part blog series that goes over this topic in detail.

He has effectively compiled all of the other resources out there and turned them into a tutorial.

It's the clearest (and believe it or not, the most concise) way to do what you want.

I finally managed to get it to work after several days of struggle. It finally boils down to a MSBuild script, installing and configuring web deploy on the staging/test server and setting it up in Team City.

It's a lot of steps and all can go wrong. I will investigate further and blog about it but this is my first attempt that works.

I'm using this setup:

  • .NET 4
  • TFS 2008
  • Team City
  • IIS7
  • Web Deploy

Here is the MSBuild script:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">

    <Import Project="Webapplication.csproj" />

    <Target Name='Deploy' DependsOnTargets='Build;Package' >
        <Exec Command='"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy\msdeploy.exe" 
                -verb:sync' />

Key points:

  • I set up the Web.Release.config to work in the staging environment
  • The build script must be located in the same directory as Webapplication.csproj
  • Web deploy must be installed on the Team City server as well as on the web (staging) server
  • c:\inetpub\Webapplication\www is a directory on the web server
  • The webdeploy username is a local windows account on the web server with full access to c:\inetpub\Webapplication\www


  • I followed the steps at
  • I followed part 1 at
  • and created a contentPath rule for c:\inetpub\Webapplication\www and all users

Team City:

I set up a new build configuration using the MSBuild script above and set the target to Deploy