How to list Chocolatey packages already installed and newer version available from the command line

Note: You likely need to do the following commands in an administrative cmd/powershell prompt.

If you have choco, you can use the outdated command.

choco outdated

If you have 0.9.9+ installed:

choco upgrade all --noop

If you have version or below installed:

choco version all

Following that, if you actually want to upgrade - you can follow with:

cup all -y

Note: -y will only work with

Addition from @feventcoder

choco version all will result you a warning of

DEPRECATION NOTICE - choco version command is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0.0. Please use choco upgrade <pgkname> --noop instead.

So it mean you should learn that it might not support the version command anymore.

Sure that you need to upgrade your chocolatey version to 0.9.9+ or latest.

By the command choco upgrade chocolatey

And then call cup all -y to install all upgrade to your system.

Just run the case, and choco said I should use this

choco list -lo

That did the trick for me, so here 2c from me.