How to list the file paths of all buffers open in Vim?
I'd have use the "simple":
echo map(filter(range(0,bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)'), 'fnamemodify(bufname(v:val), ":p")')
to have a |List| of all possible buffer numbersfilter(possible_buffers, 'buflisted(v:val)')
to restrict the list to the buffers that are actually listed -- you may preferbufexist()
that'll also show the help buffers,, 'nr_to_fullpath(v:val)')
to transform all the buffer numbers into full pathnamesbufname()
to transform a single buffer number into a (simplified) pathnamefnamemodify(pathname, ':p')
to have a full absolute pathname from a relative pathname.
Change :echo
to call writefile(pathname_list, 'filename')
, and that's all, or to :put=
, etc.
To list the absolute path for a buffer you can use:
:!echo %:p
If you wrap that into a recording you will get what you need, e.g.:
:!echo %:p >> my_buffers
Now execute the macro number of times as you have buffers, e.g.:
and you will have the result in the file my_buffers
Probably a better way though :-)
This should work:
:redi @"|ls|redi END
:new +pu
:%s/[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\=fnamemodify(submatch(1), ":p")/e
will redirect the messages:redi @"
will redirect the message to@"
aka the unnamed register:redi END
stops redirection:ls
will print out all non-hidden buffers:new
create a buffer in a split:new +{cmd}
will execute a command for the new buffer.:new +pu
execute the:pu
or put command on the new buffer- regex basically matches the entire line and captures the content between the quotes
in the replacement part of:s/
will execute an expressionfnamemodify(submatch(1), ":p")
will expand the captured data akasubmatch(1)
delete all blank lines
More information:
:h /\=
:h :g
:h :new
:h :pu
:h :redi
:h :ls
:h fnamemodify()
:h :d