How to make a new list with a property of an object which is in another list

Java 8 way of doing it:-

List<Integer> idList =;

Thanks to Premraj for the alternative cool option, upvoted.

I have used apache CollectionUtils and BeanUtils. Accordingly, I am satisfied with performance of the following code:

List<Long> idList = (List<Long>) CollectionUtils.collect(objectList, 
                                    new BeanToPropertyValueTransformer("id"));

It is worth mentioning that, I will compare the performance of guava (Premraj provided) and collectionUtils I used above, and decide the faster one.

With Guava you can use Function like -

private enum StudentToId implements Function<Student, Integer> {

        public Integer apply(Student input) {
            return input.getId();

and you can use this function to convert List of students to ids like -

Lists.transform(studentList, StudentToId.INSTANCE);

Surely it will loop in order to extract all ids, but remember guava methods returns view and Function will only be applied when you try to iterate over the List<Integer>
If you don't iterate, it will never apply the loop.

Note: Remember this is the view and if you want to iterate multiple times it will be better to copy the content in some other List<Integer> like

ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.transform(students, StudentToId.INSTANCE));