How to make emacsclient uses differnt themes in terminal and X window?
try to follow this post, they are talking about a similar issue.
here are the snippets from the post (I didnt try it myself though):
;; last t is for NO-ENABLE
(load-theme 'tango t t)
(load-theme 'tango-dark t t)
(defun mb/pick-color-theme (frame)
(select-frame frame)
(if (window-system frame)
(disable-theme 'tango-dark) ; in case it was active
(enable-theme 'tango))
(disable-theme 'tango) ; in case it was active
(enable-theme 'tango-dark))))
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'mb/pick-color-theme)
;; For when started with emacs or emacs -nw rather than emacs --daemon
(if window-system
(enable-theme 'tango)
(enable-theme 'tango-dark))
if all goes well, it should look like: