How to match a String against string literals?

You could also do

match &stringthing as &str {
    "a" => println!("0"),
    "b" => println!("1"),
    "c" => println!("2"),
    _ => println!("something else!"),


  • std::string::String
  • std::ops::Deref
  • Deref coercions

UPDATE: Use .as_str() like this to convert the String to an &str:

match stringthing.as_str() {
    "a" => println!("0"),
    "b" => println!("1"),
    "c" => println!("2"),
    _ => println!("something else!"),

Reason .as_str() is more concise and enforces stricter type checking. The trait as_ref is implemented for multiple types and its behaviour could be changed for type String, leading to unexpected results. Similarly, if the input argument changes type, the compiler will not signal a problem when that type implements the trait as_ref.

The docs suggest to use as_str as well,

Old answer:

as_slice is deprecated, you should now use the trait std::convert::AsRef instead:

match stringthing.as_ref() {
    "a" => println!("0"),
    "b" => println!("1"),
    "c" => println!("2"),
    _ => println!("something else!"),

Note that you also have to explicitly handle the catch-all case.

You can do something like this:

match &stringthing[..] {
    "a" => println!("0"),
    "b" => println!("1"),
    "c" => println!("2"),
    _ => println!("something else!"),

There's also an as_str method as of Rust 1.7.0:

match stringthing.as_str() {
    "a" => println!("0"),
    "b" => println!("1"),
    "c" => println!("2"),
    _ => println!("something else!"),



