How to migrate Notepad++ settings?
I found the configuration files under
Many settings in NP++ can be automatically kept in sync (and migrated) between multiple instances by using Settings > Preferences > Cloud
The first time you set a cloud location (which can just be any folder path), it'll backup your current settings into that folder and then draw from there going forward. When setting the cloud location on a new machine, it'll read in those files there.
The cloud settings consists of the following items:
Note: You might need to remove the existing files with the same name under %appdata%\Notepad++.
in order for the cloud storage files to take priority
You have already found the full list of Notepad++'s configuration files. If I were you, first I would copy the whole Notepad++ folder under the Program Files
, and save it for some time. Then I'd start to use all the files listed on the NPP page, and after making sure everything's OK, I'd delete the backup.