How to navigate to a URL while respecting Ctrl-click opens URL in new tab?

If you want to handle both clicks, normal and ctrl-click this is what I use :

$("li").on("click", function(e){
    var url = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
        $('<a href="'+ url + '" target="_blank"></a>')[0].click();
    } else {
        document.location = url;
    return false;

This only works if you do it from a click handler triggered by the user, otherwise, the browser will detect it as an unwanted pop up and block it:

<div id="test">open in new tab</div>


function openInNewTab(url)
    $('<a href="'+ url + '" target="_blank">open in new tab</a>')[0].click();

I think there is no other option since this is a security behavior.