how to open specific page on Google's docs viewer

I found a solution I'll post here just in case somebody is in the same situation.

Every page inside google's docs viewer iframe has an id like, being X the number of the page. Calling the service like this

<iframe id="iframe1" src="">

won't work (maybe because the pages ids are not yet created when the page is rendered?)

So you just have to add an onload attribute to the iframe:

<iframe id="iframe1" src="" onload="javascript:this.contentWindow.location.hash='';">

and voilà, the iframe will automatically scroll down after loading.

Note that page indices are zero-based. If you want to view the 20th page of a document in the viewer, you would need use the parameter

For me this solution didn't work with the current version of google viewer. Link to specific page on Google Document Viewer on iPad helped me out. Use &a=bi&pagenumber=xx as additonal URL parameter.

I found these two ones :

1) just an Screenshot(Image) of specific page (without navigation):

2) a link to specific page of PDF in IFRAME (with navigation):

var docURL='';
var startPAGE=7;

document.write('<iframe id="iframe1" onload="javascript:go_to_page('+ startPAGE +')" src=""width="600" height="400" ></iframe>');
function go_to_page(varr) { document.getElementById("iframe1").setAttribute("src", docURL + ''+ (varr-1) );}

p.s. then you can have on your website <a href="javascript:go_to_page('3');">go to page 3</a>