How to organize a Python Project?

A Package is basically a folder with file under it and usually some Modules, where Module is a *.py file. It has to do with import mainly. If you add to Indicators you can use:

from Indicators.Stochastics import *


from Indicators import Stochastics

By the way, I would recommend to keep module/package names lowercase. It does not affect functionality but it's more "pythonic".

From a file system perspective, a module is a file ending with .py and a package is a folder containing modules and (nested) packages again. Python recognizes a folder as a package if it contains a file.

A file structure like that


defines the package some, which has a module foofoo and a nested package thing, which again has a module barbar. However, when using packages and modules, you don't really distinguish these two types:

import some

some.dothis() # dothis is defined in 'some/'

import some.foofoo # <- module
import some.thing # <- package

Please follow PEP8 when selecting naming your packages/modules (i.e. use lower-case names).