how to pass a function when class is created flutter code example

Example 1: flutter use valuechanged function in function

class 1{
  //in the class where you need to use the callback declare as field
  Function(String value) onChanged,

  //then use the function as inChanged callback eventually adding code
    onChanged: (value){

//in the other class pass the function like this
class 2{
	new 1({
        onChanged: (value) { = value;

Example 2: dart callback function with parameter

class Obj {
	// <returnType> Function(<parameters>) fName;
	String Function(String, int, etc...) callbackName;
    // Call the callback function somewhere, eg constructor, textfield etc.

main() {
	// Use the callback
	var myObj = Obj((String p1, int p2, etc...) {
		return "$p1$p2";