How to pass a System.Action by reference?

A delegate type is an immutable reference type, like a string:

s += "\n";

s is now a reference to a different object. If you pass it to a method, the method gets a reference to this object, not to whatever object s may refer to next. This lambda returns, and will continue to return, whatever object s refers to when the lambda is called:

() => s;

The same applies with a += () => {};: a is referencing a different object afterwards, but you can create a lambda which executes the current value of a, whatever that may be.


new Class1().StartAsyncOperation(() => action());

Whatever you to do action after that point, the lambda you passed in has a reference to the current value of action.

Try it at home:

Action a = () => Console.Write("a");

//  This would print "a" when we call b() at the end
//Action b = a;

//  This prints "a+" when we call b() at the end.
Action b = () => a();

a += () => Console.Write("+");
