How to properly match varargs in Mockito

Mockito 1.8.1 introduced anyVararg() matcher:

when(a.b(anyInt(), anyInt(), Matchers.<String>anyVararg())).thenReturn(b);

Also see history for this:

Edit new syntax after deprecation:

when(a.b(anyInt(), anyInt(), ArgumentMatchers.<String>any())).thenReturn(b);

A somewhat undocumented feature: If you want to develop a custom Matcher that matches vararg arguments you need to have it implement org.mockito.internal.matchers.VarargMatcher for it to work correctly. It's an empty marker interface, without which Mockito will not correctly compare arguments when invoking a method with varargs using your Matcher.

For example:

class MyVarargMatcher extends ArgumentMatcher<C[]> implements VarargMatcher {
    @Override public boolean matches(Object varargArgument) {
        return /* does it match? */ true;

when(a.b(anyInt(), anyInt(), argThat(new MyVarargMatcher()))).thenReturn(b);