How to protect the password field in Mongoose/MongoDB so it won't return in a query when I populate collections?

You can change the default behavior at the schema definition level using the select attribute of the field:

password: { type: String, select: false }

Then you can pull it in as needed in find and populate calls via field selection as '+password'. For example:

Users.findOne({_id: id}).select('+password').exec(...);

.populate('user' , '-password')

JohnnyHKs answer using Schema options is probably the way to go here.

Also note that query.exclude() only exists in the 2.x branch.


After trying both approaches, I found that the exclude always approach wasn't working for me for some reason using passport-local strategy, don't really know why.

So, this is what I ended up using:

Blogs.findOne({_id: id})
    .populate("user", "-password -someOtherField -AnotherField")
    .exec(function(error, result) {
        if(error) handleError(error);
        callback(error, result);

There's nothing wrong with the exclude always approach, it just didn't work with passport for some reason, my tests told me that in fact the password was being excluded / included when I wanted. The only problem with the include always approach is that I basically need to go through every call I do to the database and exclude the password which is a lot of work.

After a couple of great answers I found out there are two ways of doing this, the "always include and exclude sometimes" and the "always exclude and include sometimes"?

An example of both:

The include always but exclude sometimes example:




The exlucde always but include sometimes example:


but you must define in the schema:

password: { type: String, select: false }