How to pull a specific branch from Github
The above answer works well but I wanted to post with fetch
and checkout
which works fine as well.
Step 1: git fetch todo-mvvm-databinding
Step 2: git checkout todo-mvvm-databinding
You are on your todo-mvvm-databinding
If you did a clone, then all branches should be available to you. You need to checkout the branch.
git checkout todo-mvvm-databinding
If the branch isn't available for whatever reason, then you can create it and then pull it:
git checkout -b todo-mvvm-databinding
specifies "create branch")
git pull origin todo-mvvm-databinding
will fetch and merge this branch into your local one.
Most of those above methods works but I would like to present this approach which worked well for me.
Step 1: List all remote branches that are available
git fetch
git branch -r
The out put may look as shown below depending on available remote branches for your project.
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
Step 2:
Make sure to commit all your changes on the current branch as git will throw some errors and warning about uncommited codes. Select a branch and run this command.
git checkout origin/feature/modular_approach