How to put round cornered frame around an image
As Martin mentioned in the comment and I think mdframed
is to break a butterfly on a wheel, I want to present a tikz-Solution:
%\roundedpicture[graphcis-setup][tikz-setup]{graphics path}
O{draw=blue,line width=6pt,rounded corners=5pt}
\draw [path picture={%
\node at (path picture bounding {%
(0,0) rectangle (\wd\MyPicture,\ht\MyPicture);
ORIGINAL POST uses mdframed
You can change the behavior of the background. By default it is drawn as a filled rectangle.
With the following code you put a dummy in the environment to get the picture in the foreground.
\mdfdefinestyle{short}{roundcorner=5pt, leftmargin=2cm,innertopmargin=0pt,innerbottommargin=0pt, innerleftmargin=0pt,innerrightmargin=0pt, innerlinewidth=0pt, middlelinewidth=0pt,outerlinewidth=10pt, outerlinecolor=red}
\tikzset{mdfbackground/.style={path picture={
\node at (path picture bounding {%
I think mdframed
isn't the correct environment. You should create you own environment via tikz.
Now the modification with a new command so that it can be centered or whatever you want.
\mdfdefinestyle{short}{roundcorner=10pt,innertopmargin=0pt,innerbottommargin=0pt, innerleftmargin=0pt,innerrightmargin=0pt, innerlinewidth=0pt, middlelinewidth=0pt,middlelinewidth=10pt, middlelinecolor=red,leftmargin=0pt,rightmargin=0pt}
\NewDocumentCommand{\roundedpicture}{o o m}{%
\tikzset{mdfbackground/.style={path picture={%
\node at (path picture bounding {\includegraphics[#2]{#3}};}%
Run with xelatex
\psframe[framearc=0.2,framesep=0pt, cornersize=relative,
and the same with clipping theimage:
\psframe[framearc=0.7,framesep=0pt, cornersize=relative,