How to read custom attributes in Android

My question: can I read the value of those custom attributes without creating a class that extends EditText?

Yes, you can get those attributes without extending the classes. For this you could use a special Factory set on the LayoutInflater that the Activity will use to parse the layout files. Something like this:

getLayoutInflater().setFactory(new CustomAttrFactory());

where the CustomAttrFactory is like this:

public static class CustomAttrFactory implements Factory {

    public View onCreateView(String name, Context context,
            AttributeSet attrs) {
        String attributeValue = attrs
        Log.e("ZXX", "" + attributeValue);
        // if attributeValue is non null then you know the attribute is
        // present on this view(you can use the name to identify the view,
        // or its id attribute)
        return null;

The idea comes from a blog post, you may want to read it for additional information.

Also, depending on that custom attribute(or attributes if you have other) you could just use android:tag="whatever" to pass the additional data(and later retrieve it in the Activity with view.getTag()).

I would advise you to not use those custom attributes and rethink your current approach.