How to rebase in IntelliJ IDEA

go to VCS -> Git _> rebase

and then fill the dialog with relavent details

git Root : should be your local path <br/>
Branch   : your working branch(topic branch) </br>
Onto     : topic branch <br/>
From     : master branch

The interactive option can be used for normal rebase which will ignore merge commits.

enter image description here

Easiest way: just open the git console in intellij and type it.

Otherwise, the Git Integration plugin in intellij, at least from version 8.1, has a Rebase onto function.

(accessible at the bottom right of your screen, where it says "Git: " - click, get up the "branches" popup, choose a branch).

Edit: there's also a dialog accessible via the intellij menu: VCS -> Git -> Rebase...


  • IntelliJ 2016.1
  • IntelliJ 2021.1