How to remove the empty page that is placed after the ToC, List of figures and List of tables
In your code are several issues:
- You loaded a lot of packages not related to this issue. I deleted them in the following mwe.
Commands like
uses command\cleardoublepage
internally. To get rid of that one possibility is to localy redefinecleardoublepage
. See the following code snippet to do that (please see that I included the first chapter!):{\tableofcontents % <=================================================== \let\cleardoublepage\clearpage % <====================================== \listoffigures \listoftables \chapter{Introduction}} % <=============================================
In your table of contents you get bad numbered sections (because an first chapter is missing!)
0.1 Intro 1
. To get rid of that use\section*{}
Please see the following mwe
\section*{intro 1} % <==================================================
\section*{intro 2} % <==================================================
{\tableofcontents % <===================================================
\let\cleardoublepage\clearpage % <======================================
\chapter{Introduction}} % <=============================================
\subsection{Something 2}
and its result:
You can switch between openany and openright by setting a boolean:
\graphicspath{ {figures/} }
\section{intro 1}
\section {intro 2}
\makeatletter\@openrightfalse\makeatother %<-- openany
\makeatletter\@openrighttrue\makeatother %<-- openright
\subsection{Something 2}