How to replace photo in moderncv classic with a QR code?

\photo command wants a file suitable to be included with an \includegraphics command. Therefore, I think the easiest solution would be to create your own qrcode within an standalone document and use the result as photo in moderncv.

%File qrcode.tex -> qrcode.pdf

enter image description here



\address{83 Fancy Avenue}{Noweheresville}{Gotham City 24061} 
\phone[mobile]{123 456 7890}
\email{[email protected]}



enter image description here

Update: All in one ;-)

With filecontents package and an \immediate command it's possible to join both files into one and compile both together:


\begin{filecontents*}{myqrcode.tex} %<- This is the qrcode file name

\immediate\write18{pdflatex myqrcode.tex}


\address{83 Fancy Avenue}{Noweheresville}{Gotham City 24061} 
\phone[mobile]{123 456 7890}
\email{[email protected]}

\photo[64pt][0.5pt]{myqrcode} %<- Insert previous name


In the code of class moderncv, style classic you can find an if-then-else construct checking if a \photo is defined (printing it) or not (doing nothing). I added inside the empty case a new if-then-else testing, if a new command \qrphoto is defined. If it is defined the code prints it, in the other case it does nothing.

The new command for the \qrphoto is:


With this command I define the needed values \@qrphotowidth etc. for later usage.

Now we can patch the original command with

  }% code to patch
  {% new code <=========================================================
          \color{black}% <======================== to get a black qrcode
  }% end new code <=====================================================
  {}% success
  {\fail}% failure

The command \raisebox[1cm] is needed to get the qr-code on the right position (I did not search for the reason, why I need it here. The used value is okay for sizes of the resulting qr-code of 2cm (I used for the example code) or more. If your qr-code should be smaller you need to change my used value of 1cm to a lower value. You will have to try it out.

As you can see I deleted the command \includegraphics. With command \qrphoto \qrcode... from package qrcode.

With the command


for example you can add an qr-code-image with a hight and width of 2cm, a frame around it with a line of 0.5pt and the content of the qr-code-image is (this question).

So with the following complete MWE





\address{83 Fancy Avenue}{Noweheresville}{Gotham City 24061} 
\phone[mobile]{123 456 7890}
\email{[email protected]}

% to patch the code of moderncv, version 2.0.0
%\usepackage{etoolbox} % already loaded in moderncv <===================
  }% code to patch
  {% new code <=========================================================
          \color{black}% <======================== to get a black qrcode
  }% end new code <=====================================================
  {}% success
  {\fail}% failure

\qrphoto[2cm][0.5pt]{} % 


you get the following result:

resulting pdf

Please note that you can only print a photo or a qr-code. If you have a defined \photo and \qrphoto only the photo is printed!