How to reset shortcuts (.lnk file) in Windows 7?

Open regedit from the Start Menu (You can also invoke the file using Run command).
Navigate to the following registry branch:


Click on the arrow to expand it and delete the sub-key named UserChoice. Exit from Registry Editor.

After this do a reboot.

Follow these steps to save the Registry code below into a .reg file then import it into the Registry:

  1. Open Notepad
  2. Copy and paste the Registry code below into the Notepad window
  3. Save the file to your Desktop with the name fixshortcuts.reg
  4. On your Desktop open fixshortcuts.reg and merge the file into the Registry
  5. Log off and back on to make the changes take effect

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;LNK file association fix for Windows Vista.
;Updated on April 24, 2007


















The extension .lnk is associated with the Lnkfile which is more commonly known as a Shortcut.

To repair the misassociation, open a Command Prompt and type:


Press Enter and you should be good to go.