How to resize (height and width) of an IconButton in Flutter
You can replace IconButton with InkWell:
child: Icon(Icons.clear, size: 18.0, color: themeData.primaryColor),
onTap: onDelete,
You can force it to size itself with the SizedBox.
new SizedBox(
height: 18.0,
width: 18.0,
child: new IconButton(
padding: new EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
color: themeData.primaryColor,
icon: new Icon(Icons.clear, size: 18.0),
onPressed: onDelete,
There is a newer way than the accepted answer. It looks like this:
iconSize: 18.0,
icon: new Icon(Icons.clear)
So use iconSize attribute and get rid of the SizedBox.
I noticed the old accepted solution had a bad drawing effect when pressing the button.