How to save Amazon Redshift output to local CSV through SQL Workbench?

I know your question is about Workbench but if you are willing to go to command line on linux possibly this is a solution, it's working nicely for us

#we are assuming you are not appending to each file and you don't need header
#be very careful here rm -rf is very dangerous 
rm -rf $out_put

PGPASSWORD='YOUR_PASSWORD' psql -h -p YOUR_PORT_NUMBER -d YOUR_DATABASE -U YOUR_USER_NAME -A -t -c "select * from SOME_TABLE limit 10" -F ',' -o $out_put

echo "your file is ready" $out_put

Yes there is, try this out.

PGPASSWORD=<password> psql -h <host> -d <db> -U <user> -p 5439-a -c "select * from <table>" -F '<delimiter>' -o temp.csv

Try running any one of the following in the Workbench

WbExport -type=text
select a, b ,c from myTable;

WbExport -type=text
     -tableWhere="WHERE a is not null and date between 11/11/11 and 22/22/22"