How to save message into database and send response into topic eventually consistent?

Here is an example of Try Cancel Confirm pattern that should be capable of dealing with your problem. You should tolerate some chance of double submission of the data via the queue. Here is an example:

  1. Define abstraction Operation and Assign ID to the operation plus a timestamp.
  2. Write status Pending to the database (you can do this in the same step as 1)
  3. Write a listener that polls the database for all operations with status pending and older than "timeout"
  4. For each pending operation send the data via the queue with the assigned ID.
  5. The recipient side should be aware of the ID and if the ID has been processed nothing should happen.

6A. If you need to be 100% that the operation has completed you need a second queue where the recipient side will post a message ID - DONE. If such consistency is not necessary skip this step. Alternatively it can post ID -Failed reason for failure.

6B. The submitting side either waits for a message from 6A of completes the operation by writing status DONE to the database.

  • Once a sertine timeout has passed or certain retry limit has passed. You write status to operation FAIL.
  • You can potentialy send a message to the recipient side opertaion with ID rollback.

Notice that all this steps do not involve a technical transactions. You can do this with a non transactional database.

What I have written is a variation of the Try Cancel Confirm Pattern where each recipient of message should be aware of how to manage its own data.