How to secure Redis Cluster?

SSH tunnel may be an easy solution:

  1. You don't need to expose the redis port to the outside world. only the ssh one.
  2. SSH support data compression, which can reduce the transfer between data centers.

Quick Example: ssh -f -L 1234:localhost:6379 -NC

This will route any incoming connection to localhost:1234 to the remote So, you can replace with localhost:1234 in your redis config file.

You could check man ssh for more information.

If any protocol flies over the internet you would need encryption ("ssl") e.g across data- centers . This in general will effect performance. In the current security spec of Redis -

it is advised that ssl is not supported and you would require a SSL proxy. This should in general cause a system performance hit e.g. latency that you would have to take into account.

So ideally cluster nodes should be co-located. If they cannot be then the cluster should be designed so that it limits cross site data transport or does it off line without any real time constraints.

I have also chosen to disable/enable commands on a need only basis for each node (see details in the security spec above). I am not sure it this is supported in cluster mode or not.