How to see the Steps number in an algorithm

Some changes and the numbers appear:



%\DontPrintSemicolon % Some LaTeX compilers require you to use \dontprintsemicolon    instead
Calculate $x$, and $y$\\
Check, \linebreak
 (I) If  $k \geq n$, then the  $m_{2}$. 
(II) If  $h \geq j$, then  $m_{1}$.\\
Initialisation: \textit{$g(0)=nj$}\\
Compute $n_{2}$,
n(i)=\frac {a}{b(i)\sqrt{3v}}
Update $b$,
b(i+1)=( -\frac{1}{2(g(i)/D}+1)
Repeat \textit{Steps 3 to 6}, till $|a(i+1)-a(i) |<\epsilon$
\caption{algo of g}


enter image description here

I am not sure, which lines should be numbered, but the general idea is clear now, I hope.

Here's an approach that uses the functionality provided by algorithm2e to form conditional and repetition structures. Of course, since you're calling the package with vlined, the output also includes this.

enter image description here


  \KwIn{$a$, $b$, $c$, $d$}
  \KwOut{$e$, $r$}
  Calculate~$x$ and~$y$\;
  \lIf{$k \geq n$}{$m_2$}\;
  \lIf{$h \geq j$}{$m_1$}\;
    \Repeat{$|a(i+1)-a(i)| < \epsilon$}{%
      Initialisation: $g(0) = nj$\;\label{stepA}
        n(i) = \frac{a}{b(i)\sqrt{3v}}
      \nl Update~$b$
        b(i+1) = (-\frac{1}{2(g(i)/D} + 1)
      \nl $i = i + 1$\;
  \caption{My algorithm}


Note that, instead of manually referencing steps, you can use a regular \label and \ref it later.