How to send parameters in Angularjs $state.go?

You need to have those as params in order to be able to send them through state. Like this:

.state('Registration.OTPVerification', {
    url: '/RegistrationOTPVerification',
    params: {
        customerid: null,
        OTP: null
    templateUrl: 'Registration/RegistrationOTP.html',
    controller: 'RegistrationOTPVerification'

Now, you can use $state.go like following:

$state.go('Registration.OTPVerification', {
    customerid: 123,
    OTP: 2323

Finally, you can access them way you are using $stateParams.customerid and $stateParams.OTP but make sure you have $stateParams injected just like you have $state and $translate injected.