How to set the first row of CSV data as column name in SQL Server?

The earliest text adventures weren't known for their large language base or interpretation skills. Many times if a specific door or object needs to be moved through, you need to supply a direction.

As in comments, "down" should work here.

Just for comparison, I appear to have Revision 88 in my library, and this specifically states as an error message, "You should supply a direction!" rather than what you get in your revision.

Yes, you will get some noise from the AC on the DC output leads. But the high frequency AC voltage between the AC and DC leads is significantly reduced due to the shunting effect of the cap. This can and does reduce radiated EMI. This cap is often used and is accepted despite its drawbacks.

Flyback converters like this are simple and cheap and therefore popular. They require tight coupling between the transformer primary and secondary. Tight coupling means low leakage inductance which is often achieved by sectionalised windings. Interwinding capacitance gets worse when you section the windings more. It's possible to use shields to eliminate the need for the cap but this increases cost and size of the transformer.