How to show only hidden files in Terminal?

The command :

ls -ld .?* 

Will only list hidden files .

Explain :

 -l     use a long listing format

 -d, --directory
              list  directory entries instead of contents, and do not derefer‐
              ence symbolic links

.?* will only state hidden files 

ls -d .!(|.)

Does exactly what OP is looking for .

If you just want the files in your current directory (no recursion), you could do

echo .[^.]*

That will print the names of all files whose name starts with a . and is followed by one or more non-dot characters. Note that this will fail for files whose name starts with consecutive dots, so for example will not be shown.

You could also use find:

find -mindepth 1 -prune -name '.*'

The -mindepth ensures we don't match . and the -prune means that find won't descend into subdirectories.