How to specify numbered sections in Pandoc's front matter?

In order to turn on numbered-sections in latex output you need to use numbersections in your YAML block. If you ever want to "discover" things like this with pandoc just poke around the templates:

 $ grep -i number default.latex
 $ grep -i number default.html*

As you can see this option does not work with html.

Markdown and YAML I tested with:

 title: Test
 numbersections: true

 # blah

 Text is here.

 ## Double Blah

 Twice the text is here

If you need it to work with more than beamer,latex,context,opendoc you will need to file a bug at github.

In order to show section number in the produced output pdf, there are two choices.

In YAML front matter

Add the following setting to begin of markdown file

numbersections: true

In command line

We can also use the command option to generate pdf with numbered section. According to Pandoc documentation, the correct options is --number-sections or simply -N,

pandoc -o test.pdf --number-sections
# pandoc -o test.pdf -N


