How to split HTML Page in A4 size in Angular 9

It is all about dividing the given content to fit into the give page size.

We can create a component that will handle the dividing functionality for us. here is a StackBlitz Demo.

And here is a brief explanation.

Use the ContentChildren decorator to observe the change in content. every time the content changes we will run the page creation logic.

import {
} from "@angular/core";

  selector: "app-paginated-view",
  templateUrl: "paginated-view.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["paginated-view.component.scss"]
export class PaginatedViewComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  @Input() pageSize: "A3" | "A4" = "A4";

  @ViewChild("paginatedView") paginatedView: ElementRef<HTMLDivElement>;

  @ViewChild("contentWrapper") contentWrapper: ElementRef<HTMLDivElement>;

  @ContentChildren("pageContent", { read: ElementRef }) elements: QueryList<

  constructor() {}

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {

    // when ever childs updated call the updatePagesfunction
    this.elements.changes.subscribe(el => {

  updatePages(): void {
    // clear paginated view
    this.paginatedView.nativeElement.innerHTML = "";

    // get a new page and add it to the paginated view
    let page = this.getNewPage();

    let lastEl: HTMLElement;
    // add content childrens to the page one by one
    this.elements.forEach(elRef => {
      const el = elRef.nativeElement;

      // if the content child height is larger than the size of the page
      // then do not add it to the page
      if (el.clientHeight > page.clientHeight) {
      // add the child to the page

      // after adding the child if the page scroll hight becomes larger than the page height
      // then get a new page and append the child to the  new page
      if (page.scrollHeight > page.clientHeight) {
        page = this.getNewPage();
      lastEl = el;

    //bring the element in to view port
    lastEl.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest" });

  getNewPage(): HTMLDivElement {
    const page = document.createElement("div");
    return page;

We can use this component in an application like this.

<app-paginated-view [pageSize]="'A4'">
    <h1 #pageContent>Hello World!!</h1>
    <p #pageContent>This content will be displayed in an A4 size page</p>

We have to provide the template variable #pageContent so that we can select them using @ContentChildren in our PaginatedViewComponent.

Note that we are using native dom APIs here to change the dom structure. it will only move the dom node from one place to another so if you have any event listener added or have any property binding to the content children they will work as it is.

Edit: I have also updated your stackblitz

It would be fairly easy to force the web browser to display the page with the same pixel dimensions as A4. However, there may be a few quirks when things are rendered.

Assuming your monitors display 72 dpi, you could add something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    body {
        height: 842px;
        width: 595px;
        /* to centre page on screen*/
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;

Here an example in your code with printable A4 size:

If you want to creat html A4 like office word A4 you must use these size:

 width: 21cm ;
 height: 29.7cm;
 margin:30mm 45mm 30mm 45mm;}

enter image description here In app.component.html file:

<div class="page" *ngFor="let page of pages; index as i"
  [style.height]="sizePage.height + 'cm'"
  [style.width]="sizePage.width + 'cm'"
  <div class="content" 
    [style.paddingTop]=" + 'cm'"
    [style.paddingRight]="paddingPage.right + 'cm'"
    [style.paddingBottom]="paddingPage.bottom + 'cm'"
    [style.paddingLeft]="paddingPage.left + 'cm'"  
    [id]="'content-' + i" contenteditable="true"
    (input)="inputContent($event['data'], i)">

In app.component.css file:

.page {
    background: white;
    display: block;
    margin: 40px auto;
    box-shadow: 0 0 0.5cm rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
    box-sizing: border-box;
.page .content {
    overflow: auto;
    outline: 0;

In app.component.ts file:

import { AfterViewChecked, Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewChecked {
  sizePage = {
    width: 21, //cm
    height: 29.7 //cm
  paddingPage = {
    top: 2, //cm
    right: 2, //cm
    bottom: 2, //cm
    left: 2 //cm
  pages = [
      htmlContent: null,
      full: false
  currentPage = 0;
  currentChar = null;

  runAfterViewChecked = false;
  clickPage(i) {
    this.currentPage = i;

  inputContent(char, i) {
    var element = document.getElementById('content-' + i)
    var heightContent = element.offsetHeight * 2.54 / 96; // Convert pixels to cm
    this.pages[i].htmlContent = element.innerHTML;
    if (Number(heightContent.toFixed(1)) > this.sizePage.height) { 
      this.currentChar = char;
      this.pages[i].full = true;
      if (!this.pages[i + 1]) {
          htmlContent: null,
          full: false
      this.currentPage = i + 1;
      this.runAfterViewChecked = true;

  ngAfterViewChecked() {
    document.getElementById('content-' + this.currentPage).focus();
    if (this.runAfterViewChecked) {
      if (this.currentChar) {
        var str = this.pages[this.currentPage-1].htmlContent;
        var indexLastCloseDiv = str.lastIndexOf("</div>");
        var indexLastBr = str.lastIndexOf("<br>");
        var lastChar = str[indexLastCloseDiv-1];
        if (indexLastBr != -1 && (indexLastBr + 4) == indexLastCloseDiv)
          lastChar = ' ';

        if (indexLastCloseDiv != -1)
          str = str.slice(0, indexLastCloseDiv-1) + str.slice(indexLastCloseDiv);
          str = str.slice(0, str.length - 1);
        this.pages[this.currentPage-1].htmlContent = str;

        if (this.pages[this.currentPage].htmlContent)
          this.pages[this.currentPage].htmlContent = lastChar + this.pages[this.currentPage].htmlContent;
          this.pages[this.currentPage].htmlContent = lastChar;

      var element = null;
      for (let i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) {
        element = document.getElementById('content-' + i);
        element.innerHTML = this.pages[i].htmlContent;
      this.runAfterViewChecked = false;

Link to Stackblitz

Here is a simple example. There are a few mistakes, please give your suggestions for further development.

Some functions such as Backspace, Delete, Scale Page, ... have not been processed.