How to start another bash in Dockerfile

To expand on @user2915097's answer here is a working example using devtoolset-7 and rh-python36 instead of devtoolset-1.1

FROM centos:7

# Default version of GCC and Python
RUN gcc --version && python --version

# Install some developer style software collections with intent to
# use newer version of GCC and Python than the OS provided
RUN yum install -y centos-release-scl && yum install -y devtoolset-7 rh-python36

# Yum installed packages but the default OS-provided version is still used.
RUN gcc --version && python --version

# Okay, change our shell to specifically use our software collections.
# (default was SHELL [ "/bin/sh", "-c" ])
# See also `scl` man page for enabling multiple packages if desired:
SHELL [ "/usr/bin/scl", "enable", "devtoolset-7", "rh-python36" ]

# Switching to a different shell has brought the new versions into scope.
RUN gcc --version && python --version

Among the directives of the Dockerfile, you have SHELL

from this doc

The SHELL instruction can also be used on Linux should an alternate shell be required such as zsh, csh, tcsh and others.