How to supress loops in a digraph?

Use SimpleGraph:

SimpleGraph[g] removes all self-loops and multiple edges between the same vertices.

Manipulate[SimpleGraph[g = subgraphAbove[θ], ImageSize -> Medium, Options[g]], 
 {{θ, 0.001, "Threshold θ <"}, 0, 0.5, 0.01}, Alignment -> Center]

enter image description here

As others said, SimpleGraph will remove both loops and multi-edges. Often this is all you need. If you need to control the removal of loops and multi-edges separately, you can use IGSimpleGraph from IGraph/M.

Create a graph.

g = IGShorthand["1->2->3->1->2->2->1", 
      MultiEdges -> True, SelfLoops -> True]

enter image description here

Make the graph simple.


enter image description here

Preserve self-loops, but not parallel edges.

IGSimpleGraph[g, SelfLoops -> True]

enter image description here

IGSimpleGraph[g, MultiEdges -> True]

Preserve parallel edges but not self-loops.

enter image description here

IGSimpleGraph does not currently preserve graph properties such as egde weights (SimpleGraph does, but only in M12.0+). IGraph/M also provides IGWeightedSimpleGraph which takes the same options, but preserves edge weights, the most commonly needed edge property.

You could also use EdgeDelete to remove self-loops. In a directed graph, use

EdgeDelete[g, x_ \[DirectedEdge] x_]

In M11.3 and earlier, EdgeDelete was buggy and would often break the graph if it had properties (styling also counts as properties). In M12.0 it is finally fixed, therefore I can finally recommend it (for M12.0+ only!)

Another option, which is specific to your setup, is to remove the diagonal of the adjacency matrix before using AdjacencyGraph. You can do this using IGZeroDiagonal[matrix] (which is also part of IGraph/M).

Finally, if you have an already constructed graph with properties (such as vertex labels), you need to preserve the properties, and you have Mathematica 11.3 or earlier, then you can use IGTakeSubgraph.

sg = subgraphAbove[.23];

IGTakeSubgraph[sg, DeleteCases[EdgeList[sg], x_ \[DirectedEdge] x_]]

enter image description here

The second argument of IGTakeSubgraph can be a set of edges, or a graph. It will keep only those edges from the input graph (the first argument). IGTakeSubgraph is quite slow, but it's the most convenient way to take a subgraph and preserve properties in Mathematica 11.3 and earlier. In Mathematica 12.0 and later, the built-in Subgraph, VertexDelete and EdgeDelete already preserve properties.

myGraph = Graph[{1 -> 2, 1 -> 3, 2 -> 3, 2 -> 2}]

enter image description here

fixedMatrix = 
 Table[If[i == j, 0, AdjacencyMatrix[myGraph][[i, j]]], 
   {i, 1, 3}, 
   {j, 1, 3}];


enter image description here

Could also use:

fixedMatrix = 
 ReplacePart[AdjacencyMatrix[myGraph], Table[{i, i} -> 0, {i, 1, 3}]]

