How to use Backup SRAM as EEPROM in STM32F4

I had to jump from main program to bootloader on user request. So I put some 'magic number' into BKPSRAM in main program, do CPU soft reset. Bootloader always starts first. It checks for 'magic number' if it is present, it executes, else starts main program

when using HAL this is how to jump to bootloader:




*(__IO uint8_t *)0x40024000 = 42;//magic number


inside bootloader to read magic number it is enough to enable backup sram clock only (bootloader uses StdPeriphDriver).


extRequest = *(__IO uint8_t *)0x40024000;

if(extRequest == 42)
    //run bootloader

cpu is stm32f407

after reading through the Reference Manual for stm32f4 and the stm32f405xx/stm32f407xx datasheet I agree that it isn't clear how to actually use the backup sram (or where it is located). Here is what I found. Both the RTC registers and backup SRAM contain some amount of storage that is maintained as long as you have battery power. The RTC contains 20 registers (80 bytes) and the backup sram (which is its own peripheral on AHB1 and located within the register address region) contains 0x1000 (4096 bytes). Neither are enabled by default.

in DM00037051 (stm32f405xx/stm32f407xx datasheet, p29):

The 4-Kbyte backup SRAM is an EEPROM-like memory area. It can be used to store
data which need to be retained in VBAT and standby mode. This memory area is 
disabled by default to minimize power consumption (see Section 2.2.19: 
Low-power modes). It can be enabled by software.

The backup registers are 32-bit registers used to store 80 bytes of user 
application data when VDD power is not present. Backup registers are not reset
by a system, a power reset, or when the device wakes up from the Standby mode 
(see Section 2.2.19: Low-power modes).

on page 71 of datasheet and p65 of the reference manual

AHB1   |   0x4002 4000 - 0x4002 4FFF   |   BKPSRAM

and page 73 of the datatasheet and p67 of the reference manual

APB1   |   0x4000 2800 - 0x4000 2BFF   |   RTC & BKP Registers

Page 118-119 of the reference manual contains information on enabling the backup SRAM and RTC registers.

NOTE: if you are already using the RTC in the backup domain and only need to store <= 80 bytes, then you are better off using the RTC backup registers because enabling the backup SRAM will basically double the current consumption (see table 25 in the stm32f405/7 datasheet).

here are my write and read functions for both backup SRAM and backup RTC registers

int8_t write_to_backup_sram( uint8_t *data, uint16_t bytes, uint16_t offset ) {
  const uint16_t backup_size = 0x1000;
  uint8_t* base_addr = (uint8_t *) BKPSRAM_BASE;
  uint16_t i;
  if( bytes + offset >= backup_size ) {
    /* ERROR : the last byte is outside the backup SRAM region */
    return -1;
  /* disable backup domain write protection */
  RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE);   // set RCC->APB1ENR.pwren
  PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);                          // set PWR->CR.dbp = 1;
  /** enable the backup regulator (used to maintain the backup SRAM content in
    * standby and Vbat modes).  NOTE : this bit is not reset when the device
    * wakes up from standby, system reset or power reset. You can check that
    * the backup regulator is ready on PWR->CSR.brr, see rm p144 */
  PWR_BackupRegulatorCmd(ENABLE);     // set PWR->CSR.bre = 1;
  for( i = 0; i < bytes; i++ ) {
    *(base_addr + offset + i) = *(data + i);
  PWR_BackupAccessCmd(DISABLE);                     // reset PWR->CR.dbp = 0;
  return 0;

int8_t read_from_backup_sram( uint8_t *data, uint16_t bytes, uint16_t offset ) {
  const uint16_t backup_size = 0x1000;
  uint8_t* base_addr = (uint8_t *) BKPSRAM_BASE;
  uint16_t i;
  if( bytes + offset >= backup_size ) {
    /* ERROR : the last byte is outside the backup SRAM region */
    return -1;
  for( i = 0; i < bytes; i++ ) {
    *(data + i) = *(base_addr + offset + i);
  return 0;

int8_t write_to_backup_rtc( uint32_t *data, uint16_t bytes, uint16_t offset ) {
  const uint16_t backup_size = 80;
  volatile uint32_t* base_addr = &(RTC->BKP0R);
  uint16_t i;
  if( bytes + offset >= backup_size ) {
    /* ERROR : the last byte is outside the backup SRAM region */
    return -1;
  } else if( offset % 4 || bytes % 4 ) {
    /* ERROR: data start or num bytes are not word aligned */
    return -2;
  } else {
    bytes >>= 2;      /* divide by 4 because writing words */
  /* disable backup domain write protection */
  RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE);   // set RCC->APB1ENR.pwren
  PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);                          // set PWR->CR.dbp = 1;
  for( i = 0; i < bytes; i++ ) {
    *(base_addr + offset + i) = *(data + i);
  PWR_BackupAccessCmd(DISABLE);                     // reset PWR->CR.dbp = 0;
  // consider also disabling the power peripherial?
  return 0;

int8_t read_from_backup_rtc( uint32_t *data, uint16_t bytes, uint16_t offset ) {
  const uint16_t backup_size = 80;
  volatile uint32_t* base_addr = &(RTC->BKP0R);
  uint16_t i;
  if( bytes + offset >= backup_size ) {
    /* ERROR : the last byte is outside the backup SRAM region */
    return -1;
  } else if( offset % 4 || bytes % 4 ) {
    /* ERROR: data start or num bytes are not word aligned */
    return -2;
  } else {
    bytes >>= 2;      /* divide by 4 because writing words */
  /* read should be 32 bit aligned */
  for( i = 0; i < bytes; i++ ) {
    *(data + i) = *(base_addr + offset + i);
  return 0;

must do these:

  1. Enable the PWR clock

    RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE);
  2. Enable access to the backup domain

  3. Enable backup SRAM Clock

    RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_BKPSRAM, ENABLE);
  4. Enable the Backup SRAM low power Regulator to retain it's content in VBAT mode


and you can write/read datas to sram (these codes from BKP_Domain codes in STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib) (in my mcu stm32f417 BKPSRAM_BASE=0x40024000)

   // Write to Backup SRAM with 32-Bit Data 
   for (i = 0x0; i < 0x100; i += 4) {
       *(__IO uint32_t *) (BKPSRAM_BASE + i) = i;

   // Check the written Data 
   for (i = 0x0; i < 0x100; i += 4) {
          if ((*(__IO uint32_t *) (BKPSRAM_BASE + i)) != i){

then if you want:

    // Wait until the Backup SRAM low power Regulator is ready
    while(PWR_GetFlagStatus(PWR_FLAG_BRR) == RESET)

you can find these functions in STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib.