How to use only selected math symbols of the STIX fonts?

You can just look in stix.sty and extract the definition for any character:

enter image description here


\DeclareSymbolFont{arrows1}       {LS1}{stixsf}   {m} {n}
\DeclareMathDelimiter{\DDownarrow} {\mathrel}{arrows1}{"FF}{arrows1}{"FF}


\[\alpha + \sum x_i \DDownarrow \phi \]


Here's how to add the requested symbols. You don't have correctly identified the required fonts and symbols.

Look for \lbrbrak in stix.sty, to find

\stix@MathDelimiter{\lbrbrak}   {\mathopen} {largesymbols}{"EE}{largesymbols}{"14}
\stix@MathDelimiter{\rbrbrak}   {\mathclose}{largesymbols}{"EF}{largesymbols}{"15}

Thus we need to see what font largesymbols refers to:

\DeclareSymbolFont{largesymbols}  {LS2}{stixex}   {m} {n}

OK, now we need LS2:


Next we have to choose a different symbolic name for the math font and put the pieces together (in reverse order).





\lbrbrak x\rbrbrak,\quad
\bigl\lbrbrak x\bigr\rbrbrak,\quad
\newbrak{k}{m}  = (m n)! \, \frac{\Omega_{k}(z)}{\Omega_{m}(z)}


enter image description here