How to use outline icon in flutter?

You can find icon resources here:

Use the right drawer to get Flutter id.

According to my knowledge, flutter material library has a limited amount of outline icons. Check here for the full list of icons:

But you can also try downloading the outlined icons you wish to use from Material Design and convert them into your own custom flutter icons using FlutterIcon.

Use this post on Medium to understand how to use the custom icons from FlutterIcon

By the way, I also came across this useful package outline_material_icons, this should be more useful and helpful in your situation.

I was doing some tests with the Flutter master channel and it seems there are outline material icons in this channel. However, I haven't found any thread or discussion about this being added in the future to the stable channel

Edit: These icons are now available in stable channel

If you have an icon like this:


it would be:


I tested some and they seem to work fine

Outlined icons

