how to use pylint in vim

I would recommend to use A.L.E (Asynchronous Lint Engine)

It supports a range of python linters and formatters including pylint. Great thing about A.L.E that it supports many other languages.

pylint.vim is old, use syntastic instead:

at last I resolve it myself. I'd like share with you guys. 2 lines in vimrc.

autocmd FileType python let &makeprg='pylint %\|sed "s/^\(\w*\):\s*\([0-9]\+\)/%:\2:\ \1:\ /g"'
autocmd BufWritePost *.py make 

why so complicated with sed which just works properly on Linux? Try the following:

set makeprg=pylint\ --reports=n\ --output-format=parseable\ %:p
set errorformat=%f:%l:\ %m