How to use spring boot making a common library

The Spring documentation addresses this concern exactly and shows the correct way of implementing a common library with/for Spring boot:

As the documentation states: Although the Spring Boot Maven plugin is not being used, you do want to take advantage of Spring Boot dependency management.

Spring Lemon would be a good example for this. It uses Spring Boot, and is meant to be included in other Spring Boot applications. This is what we did to create it:

  1. Created a Spring Boot application, using the Spring Boot Starter Wizard of STS.
  2. Removed the generated application and test class.
  3. Removed spring-boot-maven-plugin, i.e. the build and the pluginRepositories sections in pom.xml. (See how a pom.xml would look without these sections).

I had a similar need as yours, so far I managed to build a library usable on other projects with following configuration:


<name>My Custom Library built on Spring Boot</name>
<description>Spring Boot Project library</description>





It's important to mention I skipped the repackage task since my library didn't have any main class, then issuing the mvn install task does not fail.