How to use TeX Gyre Pagella in pdflatex for arXiv

If you remove the lines you quote and add


then you will be using a different but more or less similar Palatino clone usable in pdftex.

You could use the newpxtext and newpxmath font packages, which provide Palatino clone text and math fonts.

enter image description here

\usepackage{newpxtext,newpxmath} % Palatino clones
\usepackage{bm} % "bold math"
$\alpha\beta\chi\bm{\chi}\delta\omega\sum \displaystyle\sum$

My suggestion for what it's worth is to use the Pagella package :

\usepackage{tgpagella} % alternative to MinionPro
\usepackage[centertags, intlimits, sumlimits, namelimits]{amsmath} 

The result should also deal with all the math notation and greek letters.