pdfx option clash inputenc + fontenc + hyperref
I get no error if I load the packages in the correct order:
% Fonts and typesetting settings
\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % For Palatino
%\usepackage{mycals} % What's this????
linktocpage=false, % no page numbers are clickable
colorlinks=false, % no color
breaklinks=true, % break URLs
bookmarks, % creates bookmarks in pdf
hyperfootnotes=true, % clickable footnotes
pdfborder={0 0 0}, % for removing borders around links
bookmarksnumbered=true, % If Acrobat bookmarks are requested, include section numbers.
bookmarksopen=false, % If Acrobat bookmarks are requested, show them with all the subtrees expanded.
pdfpagemode={UseOutlines}, % show pdf bookmarks (indices) on startup; does not function all the time
pdftitle={...}, % title
pdfauthor={...}, % author
pdfkeywords={...}, % subject of the document
pdfsubject={...}, % list of keywords
pdfmenubar=true, % make PDF viewer’s menu bar visible
% ------
foobar here
Note that hyperref
should be loaded as late as possible, with some exceptions such as pdfx
and cleveref
Also \usepackage{ngerman}
should be replaced by \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
and it doesn't make sense to load libertine
and doing \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pbk}
if you later do \usepackage{mathpazo}
. No need to load url
, because it's already loaded by hyperref
I'm not sure what you think pbk
means: it's the symbolic name for Bookman.
I commented mycals
, as I know nothing about it.
With pdfx.sty (v1.5.8) the following order of packages works also,
provided you change the \usepackage[..options..]{hyperref}
into \hypersetup{..options..}
% Fonts and typesetting settings
\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % For Palatino
linktocpage=false, % no page numbers are clickable
colorlinks=false, % no color
I've put a lot of work, within pdfx.sty
, into ensuring compatibility with other packages, and am doing further work to allow it to be loaded at any point within the LaTeX preamble. So I'd appreciate notification of any incompatibility that anyone encounters. Example documents are just what I need.